Attorneys Who Aggressively Protect the Rights of Dog Bite Victims in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about four and a half million people are bitten by dogs each year. While dogs are certainly loved by many and can make great pets, they also have the potential to cause extremely serious injuries when they bite. Dogs have powerful jaws that can crush bone, break the skin, tear muscle, and otherwise do damage to the human body. Fortunately, under Missouri law, victims of dog bites can often recover compensation for their injuries.
Missouri is a Strict Liability State
The Missouri dog bite statute imposes strict liability dog owners whose pets bite others. This means that victims are entitled to recovery regardless of whether the dog had bitten someone before. This is in contrast to states that follow the “one bite rule,” in which a dog had to have bitten or attacked someone in the past in order for a court to impose liability.
What Causes a Dog to Bite?
Dogs are oftentimes unpredictable. Sometimes they can be provoked by a human action because they feel threatened. If you have entered a dog’s personal space too fast, they may bite as a defense mechanism. Some dogs are trained to fend off trespassers and bite anyone that comes into their territory. In some circumstances, a bigger dog that is used to “playfully” biting its owner may attempt to do the same to a small child and hurt the child. Dogs that have been subject to animal abuse from an early age may preemptively bite people trying to pet them as a defense mechanism.
Why Hiring an Attorney is Critical in a Dog Bite Injury
Many dog bite claims in the U.S. are unsuccessful because people think that they do not need to hire a lawyer for something seemingly simple. However, insurance companies are reluctant to pay out to victims of dog bites. In the event an insurance company does decide to compensate a victim, they often offer them significantly less that what their case is actually worth. Examples of damages that are often successfully pursued in a dog bite case include the following:
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Loss of quality of life
- Physical and emotional pain and suffering
- Compensation for permanent scarring
By retaining a dog bite lawyer in St. Louis, you can ensure that you are adequately compensated for your injuries. Our lawyers will zealously advocate for your rights and ensure that you receive a fair settlement or take your case to court if necessary. Kilo Flynn handles dog bite cases on a contingency basis, which means that we will not collect any attorney’s fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf.
Call Kilo Flynn Today to Speak with a St. Louis Dog Bite Attorney
Dogs are oftentimes unpredictable in their behavior. If you have been a victim of a dog bite and have suffered serious injury from the bite, call Kilo Flynn today at 314-647-8910 to discuss your claim. The attorneys at Kilo Flynn have represented clients in counties throughout Missouri and Illinois, including the Missouri counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin and Crawford, and the Illinois counties of Madison, St. Clair and Monroe, to name a few. Call us today to schedule your free consultation.